By Alma L. Tingcang
SIOCON, Zamboanga del Norte, March 13 - - More than 50 women of Siocon availed of free pap smear on March 8 highlighting the celebration of International Women’s Day with the theme, “Women Weathering Climate Change: Governance and Accountability, Everyone’s Responsibility.”
Cervical cancer is caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). There are 50 types of HPV but only 2 can cause cancer. “It is good to know that we now have vaccines for cervical cancer,” the lady doctor explained.
Dr. Tingkahan also cited how to lower the risk of getting cervical cancer, : 1) get regular pap smear which should be done every year. “If you have 3 successive negative results, you could skip every 2 or 3 years. 2) limit your number of sexual partner or be faithful; 3) do not smoke; and live a healthy lifestyle, proper diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.
She also enlightened the women on breast cancer and advised them to have self breast examination to check if there are any lumps in the breast. Breast cancer is said to be the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in the world, number one being lung cancer.
Dr. Tingkahan said, “check if there is any lump in the breast, change in breast size or shape and swelling of the armpit.” Another thing to consider is family history and hormone factor. If your mother, your aunt (your mother’s sister), your sister, or your grandmother who is your mother’s mom, all those from your mother’s side, have a history of breast cancer, you are also at risk of having breast cancer. It is advised that you undergo regular breast examination.
The Siocon women were deeply grateful to the local government and medical staff of CSSrMH for the free pap smear, most of them having experienced it for the first time. (ALT-PIA9/Zambo Sur)