
Friday, October 7, 2011

DTI bares policies, penalties under motorcycle helmet law

by Franklin P. Gumapon
DIPOLOG CITY, Oct. 7 (PIA) -- Motorcycle drivers and back riders are all required to wear the standard protective motorcycle helmets at all times while driving on all roads and highways.
This was disclosed by Consumer’s Welfare Division Chief Julius Salaveria of the provincial office of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) here.
Salaveria said that under Republic Act No. 10054, otherwise known as the “Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009, the motorcycle driver and his/her back rider should wear the standard protective motorcycle helmet during long or short trips. “The standard helmet is one that complies with the specifications issued by the DTI,” he stressed.
Any person caught not wearing the standard helmet will be fined P1,500 for the first offense, P3,000 for the second offense, P5,000 for the third offense, and P10,000 plus confiscation of driver’s license for the fourth and succeeding offenses.
On the other hand, those persons or establishments found selling substandard motorcycle helmets or those without PS (Philippine Standard) mark or ICC (Import Commodity Clearance) certificate shall be fined not less than P3,000 for the first offense and P5,000 for the second offense.
Tampering, alteration, forgery and imitation of PS mark and/or ICC certificate in the helmets will be punished with a fine of not less than P10,000 but not more than P20,00o, without prejudice to other penalties imposed under RA 7394 or the “Consumer Act of the Philippines.” (JPA/FPG/PIA-Zambo. Norte)